+91 7991122187
Gear oils are primarily used within vehicles and other industrial and mobile machinery for transmissions, differentials etc. Most of the problems that arise in Gearbox systems are due to contamination of the Gear oil as well as metal-to-metal contact of the gear which leads to expensive and unwanted downtime of the machinery. To ensure that the health of the equipment is at optimum and to protect the machinery from uncontrolled wear, overheating and contamination of the gear system it is essential that a timely sampling and in-depth analysis is conducted. Gear oil testing and analysis have become an indisposable part of industries as it greatly improves the efficiency and lifespan of the machinery.
Atlas Lab provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art Gear oil testing and analysis service. We test the Gear oils as per the following world-class standards such as ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials, ISO - International Organization for Standardization etc. The various tests conducted for Gear oil are Viscosity, Ferrous Density, Water, Oxidation, Particle Count etc. Tests for Gear oil are carried out by experts in the field of testing and analysis with over 40 years of cumulative experience to provide exact results for your Gear oil-related issues. Atlas lab offers a complete solution for Gear oil with quick and precise test results at a cost-effective price to clients on a global scale.
Benefits of Gear Oil Testing
Helps mechanics streamline their work and process
To meet and comply with the different national and international standards
Detect and measure fuel dilutionTo improve the life duration of the machinery
To have contamination and wear and tear under contol
To identify possible issues with the machinery before they occur
Reduce fuel spending and other unwanted costs