+91 7991122187
Engine oils are used in various industries around the world, such as passenger vehicles, logistics, shipping and agricultural sectors. Engine oils play an imperative part in engine preservation, vehicle maintenance and ensures the vehicle is running optimally for years. Engine oils are used in engines to lubricate the various moving parts to mitigate friction and wear and tear. Testing and analysis of the oil in the engine is akin to testing of blood samples in a lab, it can provide an in-depth and complete diagnosis of the condition of the engine which helps us identify the amount of contamination, wear and tear etc. By regular testing of Engine oil samples, we can predict potential problems so as to avoid unnecessary downtime and keep the engine running in optimal condition.
Atlas Lab provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art Engine oil testing and analysis service. We test the Engine oils as per the following world-class standards such as ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials, ISO - International Organization for Standardization etc. The various tests conducted for Engine oil are Viscosity, Water, Oxidation, PQ Index, Total Acid Number, Total Base Number etc. Tests for Engine oil is carried out by experts in the field of testing and analysis with over 40 years of cumulative experience to provide exact results for your Engine oil-related issues. Atlas lab offers a complete solution for Engine oil with quick and precise test results at a cost-effective price to clients on a global scale.
Benefits of Engine Oil Testing
Helps reduce unwanted costs and vehicle parts replacement
To meet and comply with the different national and international standards
To improve the life duration of the Engine
To have contamination and wear and tear under control
To identify possible issues with the Engine before they occur
Reduce Engine oil consumption by optimizing drain intervals